Just your average February going on around our house.
Brody has been doing a lot more talking, and Dane has been doing a lot more sitting in the time out chair.
Brody has increased his vocabulary to include puppy, owie, daddy, what, (which are often times strung together because he's so-often asked, what, when he says daddy, he now thinks it's part of the word), mama, bow-wow, meeeeee, mine, and a few others. He enjoys talking to Marby the Cat in a high-pitched, stretched-out voice, and 'petting' Marby, even when Marby neither wants, nor appreciates it. Brody has mastered the 'backwards pet', which ruffles up Marby's hair. I am under the impression that this is one of the main reasons Marby does not appreciate it. I mean, really, do you enjoy it if someone rubs across your eyebrow the WRONG way? Feels a little weird! Brody's hair has a mind of it's own some days and puffs up on top so as to create a cone-head shaped top, or he enjoys tugging on it while sipping on some cold milk, and we often-times refer to him as 'Big Ern'....see this for understanding that:
Dane has been having a little trouble with sharing and playing together, so he has been sitting on the time out chair more than he ever has before in his life. We go from happy, giggling, laughing to screaming, crying, tap-dancing melt-down in 10 seconds or less or your money back. We are working on the calming down and trying hard to share and take it easy, but it's hard when your setting is stuck in turbo! Oh, terrific threes!!!
Dane has had one, count it ONE, dry overnight diaper so far, and it was a big deal, but we are still working on the potty training. He enjoys sitting in the bathroom for several minutes at a time when he does use the potty, inspecting his own body parts. Boys!!! And, he would rather have the door shut and be in there by himself for some 'privacy', as he tells Brody, than have Brody in there, inches from the toilet, clapping when there is a deposit. Hey, everybody has their own needs!
We made a quick trip to Connor's school last Friday night for fun night. We got there a little late, but Connor was nice enough to share some tickets with Dane so he could spin the big wheel (think Price is Right, but not quite that huge), and do some bowling, before picking out prizes. Dane walked away with a new red sports bottle with a smiley face on it, and Brody was happy with a red balloon Uncle Jay found in a classroom. We also got to see Connor's classroom, and where he sits all day, every day, filling his melon with knowledge!
Dustin and I were lucky enough to get tickets to attend a Sioux hockey game this-coming weekend (thanks B&D!!!), so we are headed to Grand Forks, while the boys enjoy a sleepover with Grandma Smith and Papa Ken. We juuuuust found a hotel room, so we won't be needing to sleep in the pickup box, but it sounds like a busy weekend in the Forks. We'll see how it goes, but it should be fun!
New baby news for February includes: Baby RJ born to my cousin Sara, and her husband, Doug, and Baby Cash born to Dustin's stepsister Toni, and her husband, Chris, also 1 friend, 3 classmates, and 2 co-workers who are all due in early July! They come in swarms!
Stay tuned for new pictures to come soon!