Interview with Brody Voeller, Age 5
What is your favorite color?
How old are you?
Where do you live?
*Here (we did this in our living room at our house)
Who lives with you?
*Mom & Dad.....Reed.... (Anyone else?)
Who is your pet?
What do you like to watch on TV?
*Teen Titans Go & Dirty Jobs
Who are your friends?
*Caleb & Belle, Granny, Reed, Gramps, Grandma, Papa Ken
Where does your dad work?
*Works far away
Where does your mom work?
Where will you go to school?
*Down the hill (where Longfellow is located from our home)
What do you want to be when you grow up?
*Fireman, Doctor man, a TV buyer, and a fan buyer
What is your favorite toy?
What is it like outside?
What is your favorite food?
*Lucky Charms & Froot Loops
What is your favorite thing to say?
*Save big pickles at Menards
What is your favorite song?
When do you go to bed?
*Way at night
What is Mom good at?
*Cooking, Driving places
What is Dad good at?
*Going to buy his new truck, work
What is Mom's favorite color?
*Purple & Pink
What is Dad's favorite color?
*Red & Green
How tall is Dad?
*10 feet big
What is Dane good at?
*Strong muscles, playing basketball.
What is Reed good at?
*Crawling around & eating
What is Dad's favorite thing to do?
*Buy Reed a new toy, stay home.
What is Mom's favorite thing to do?
*Stay off work.
What animal would you be if you could be one?
Who is the nicest person you know?
How tall are you?
*5 feet big
How old is Mom?
How old is Dad?
Do you know any jokes?
*How does an elephant hide in a strawberry patch?
--Paint its body like a strawberry!
What is something Mom always says?
What is something Dad always says?
*Chew with your mouth closed. Listen!
How are we the same?
*We have a head. And Jinx!
If you could be on a cartoon, who would you be?
Where is your favorite place to go?
*Chicken wings.