Monday, April 22, 2013


 Granny & Gramps have been gradually making their way back to North Dakota this month, with a quick pit-stop in Rochester at the beginning of April to pick up a new hip for Granny.

The boys and I decided to make a trip over the day before Granny was supposed to be flown back by Jay to fill their fridge with groceries and their freezer with some food to warm up!

Andrea came on Friday night, too, as she was going to ride down and back with Jay.

Some serious fog moved in overnight Friday and prevented Jay from leaving on time Saturday morning. 
It even  prevented him from flying through Rugby to pick up Andrea.
Bummer for them, but lucky for us because then we got to spend an unexpected day with Aunt Bubba!

We hung out at Granny & Gramps' house, made food for them, cleaned the bathroom, went shopping in town, and awaited the message from Jay that they would soon touch down.
Yes, mom, Andrea even made a job list!!! :)

From Leever's parking lot, looking at the grain elevators and the post office!

Sure is a lot of snow here in Rugby!!!

A little game of paper, rock, scissors between Dane & Aunt Bubba. I can't remember what they were playing for, though....

 Brody, picking up Mr Potatohead, etc, after much arguing. Finally deciding to use one of his favorite items at Granny's house...the little broom!

Checking out the new bristle blocks...where did these come from???

Enjoying a tasty chocolate chip cookie!


Shortly after nap time was over, we got a message that they were getting close, so we all got in the car and drove on over to Rugby International Airport to wait for them to land!

2 weeks post-surgery today and Granny says she is feeling pretty good!

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