Monday, July 25, 2011

Summer fun!!!

Amongst the mold in our house, sewage in our basement, living partly out of a camper, and chaos of summer 2011, we have managed to find time for some fun this summer!!!

shakin up uncle jay's pop for him!!

giant spoon and giant bowl? or tiny baby?

brody is a maniac!!!

dane looooves sami!

dane loooooves connor!

check out my jeans!

this walkin stuff is awesome!

playing outside with connor!!!

shootin hoops!

cool dude

rugby fair during 4th of july reunion weekend....granny's painting booth

clifford thompson, dustin, and brody!!! and you thought dustin was tall!!!

4th of july parade in rugby. horses, horses, horses!

ummmm, what? come on, rugby!

more parade action!

house update

ServPro is currently doing some work on our house, emptying out the water and all garbage, appliances, junk, etc, from the basement, drying it out and the upstairs, and spraying with anti-microbial so we can get to work on rebuilding!
These are some updated photos of the progress we'd done before ServPro started their work.

A portion of the garbage pile.....before kitchen cabinets were added.

from kitchen through dining room to back wall of boys room. china hutch was against a fake wall shared with the boys' built in closets! guess that's gonna be different now!

jay preparing for the dust with a nice, safe mask. dustin working on removing the kitchen sink

looking down the basement stairs. i feared to take many pictures while on these stairs as i had a premonition that i'd somehow lose my balance while snapping a shot and fall into that nasty, thick black/brown soup! disgusting city!!!

one brave shot from the stairs looking across the family room into the bedroom.

kitchen cabinets and all appliances gone!!!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 2011 report for our house

Well, the floodwaters were a little harsh on our home. We were able to see how high the water got on Saturday, June 25th, which was as high as it actually got.
Water on our main level about 2 feet high, and the basement completely full!

Here are some pictures of the house this past Saturday, July 9th.

Front of house

Slide in the backyard. Water was much higher in the backyard and in the garage back there than the house. Glad it was not the opposite!!!

The start of the garbage pile

Living room with flooring removed

From the dining room looking into the living room, towards the street

Main bathroom....what happened in here!?

Built-in china cabinet

Our bedroom

Our can't tell how bad the heaving was in the floor, but the huge lumps were unbelievable!!!

Boys' bedroom :(

A day of hard work, hauling trash and wet belongings. Lots of good help from Andrea, Jeremy, Jay and Dustin's friend Benno!!!

Later on Sunday July room

Dining room, looking towards boys' room...note the china cabinet is completely gone! Also a small wall divider between the dining room and bathroom/hallway.  Lots and lots of mold and mildew. Nasty stuff!!!

Our bedroom.....built-in closets gone.

We wouldn't have this much accomplished by now if it wasn't for the help of our awesome friends and fantastic family. We still have our camper parked at Jay and Suzanne's house. Samantha and Connor help entertain the boys each and every day, which is a huuuuuge help! As well as Jay and Suzanne sharing their home with us. Dane just asked about going to 'mom's house' the other day, but hopefully he is too busy having fun to realize what is really going on!
We appreciate all the offers of help, prayers, thoughts, etc. This isn't a fun thing to experience, but we just have to remember that we are lucky for what we still have and will have down the road. Things could always be worse!!!