Sunday, May 25, 2014


In action!!!


Ninjas still like to do puzzles.

Little man

I'm just.....shaving!

Trip to Fargo

Brody's audiologist in Minot discovered he has a 50% hearing loss in his right ear last winter!
She recommended we see an ENT in Fargo, who could possibly do a surgery on his middle ear bones, if necessary, as they wondered if they might be fused together. He has tubes in his outer ear, which look good, and are draining fluid. And his cochlea tested fine, so all we needed to know was what was happening in that middle area. A CT scan was needed to start checking it out, so we left Dane with Grandma in Minot and headed to Fargo for a day.

His first taste of breakfast pizza on the drive there.

I was not allowed in the imaging area. :(

Taking a nice, sweaty nap after his first appointment, before going back for a second appointment.

Dad, messing around with the doctor's chair.

And Brody loving it.

Then later, some swimming at the hotel!

Resting up after a full day. :)

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Cleaning up!

Hmmm, life sure gets busy!

And when life is busy and you leave a guy in the tub alone to play for few minutes, sometimes he might dump half a bottle of shampoo in the water!