Friday, May 17, 2013

Summer kitty

Marby is a 100% indoor cat. 

Sometimes we put him in his cat carrier and set him outside. He really enjoys sniffing some straight-up fresh air and watching birds, etc!

But on this fine spring day, Dustin decided to let him meander past the patio door and see what happened. 

Well, Marby made it this far, laid down, and could not stop rolling around in the sun on the cold concrete.....

..... typical cat!

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Thursday, May 16, 2013

First mow of the year.

Dane was pretty excited to get his mower out for the first mow of 2013 along side Dad!

Ready, set, MOW!


The boys and I went for a walk in the trees behind our house one afternoon.
We noticed a tree with many, many big pinecones on the ground and asked our daycare if they would want any for art projects....

She said YES, so we collected a bunch!

Laying them all out for the ladybugs to come out!

Am I the only one who was not aware of the fact that ladybugs burrow deep into the core of these pine cones, dozens at a time???

And Dane loved letting the ladybugs crawl all over him once they finally came out of the pine cones!

Brody just loved throwing things in the garbage can!

Basement May 2013!!!

We have carpet!!!!!!!!!!!

Enjoying a song while laying on the newly-installed carpet in the basement family room!!!!
So satisfying!!!

 Followed by a little head-butting game!

Ahhh, Dane, you are so funny and silly!!!

 Checking out the bedrooms!

Goin outside!

Dane got a fishing pole! The big kids at daycare get to bring fishing poles and walk down the street to the river and cast off a bridge. So far, Dane reports that one kid caught 'the ground', but that's it!


Dane had to bring his pretend cell phone outside and carry it around in his back pocket, just like Dad!

Monday, May 13, 2013

High water near Towner, ND

On our return trip from Rugby a couple of weeks ago, I snapped a few pictures of where the Mouse River goes under Highway 2.

 Coming from the east, heading towards the bridge area.

Below: Looking south on the same road area as mentioned above.

^ At the intersection prior to the bridge where you can turn south to Drake. ^

^ Just about up to the bridge! ^
(Figuratively and literally, sadly enough)

And just past the bridge on the curves right before the Sandhills Dairy.

Lotta H2O over there. :(
Anybody need any? Bring your own container!