Thursday, July 18, 2013


Brody was supposed to have surgery on July 8. 
He was supposed to be getting his tonsils and adenoids removed, and tubes put into his ears. 

We showed up at 6:30 am. 
He was a dream....
not asking for anything to eat or drink, 
not having any meltdowns, 
not arguing or being stubborn about a thing.

Then we got there, and the anesthesiologist would not allow the procedure to happen because Brody had a cough, and he did not want any extra things complicating Brody being sedated.
I completely understand the reasons, but I was extremely frustrated. 
The pediatrician we saw just a week before at the walk-in clinic knew what was coming up, but didn't advise me of more things to be aware of. I know it's my own responsibility to a point, but still....
Before we were released prior to being fully admitted :), I took these pics of Brody getting in his gear!

Again, with the belly!!!
He wanted to wear it this way so his belly could hang out....

So we'll try it again, this time at the hospital instead of same-day surgery for more monitoring afterwards with a possible overnight stay, on August 7th!

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