Friday, August 16, 2013

Surgery happens

We rescheduled for Brody to have his tonsils and adenoids out, and tubes put in, for Wednesday, August 7.

This time around, we had to show up at 5 am....
Brody did great, considering how early he had to wake up that morning!

Hanging out in his room with his gown on, watching a few cartoons.

Yahoo, they brought the wagon in nice and early, which gave Brody plenty of time to mess around with it!

He was pretending that the IV pole was a juice machine, and he sprayed out grape, apple, and orange juice.

A while before they came to take him down to the OR, he decided he didn't need his gown anymore and just got comfy in the wagon, wearing his pants only. 
And they let him go downstairs like that :) 
Smart people on deciding not to battle a stubborn strong-willed 3-year-old!

Still happy, enjoying cartoons, not having a clue what is about to come.....

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